The Long-Term Impacts Of War On Mental Health
Failure to address veterans' mental health issues could lead to deaths. In a 2021 Report from the Costs of War Project at Brown University, it was estimated that over 30,000 veterans and active duty personnel of post-9/11 wars died by suicide. This is quadruple the number of combat deaths.
Veterans abusing substances as a way to cope with invisible wounds from war is another risk. Accessing treatment for substance abuse disorder is still a problem, and veterans are often faced with unacceptable delays when trying to get help.
Even veterans who have access to mental healthcare resources may struggle to accept the help they need. Some veterans are worried about being perceived as weak or self-reliant because of the military culture that emphasizes toughness. Wounded Warrior offers free mental health care to post-9/11 veterans, but many turn it down because they think that taking the resources away from others is in greater need.
This is why it's important to have a multi-faceted approach that increases education, awareness, and access to health care for veterans.
Mental health issues are more common than physical wounds
According to the Annual Warrior Survey of Wounded Warrior Project, three out of four veterans who registered with them on or after September 11, 2001, reported having post-traumatic disorder. According to the survey's findings, similar shares of respondents experienced anxiety and depression. Half of veterans also reported symptoms of moderate to severe mental health conditions.

The same urgency is required for these conditions as it would be in the case of a physical injury. Untreated mental health issues can be difficult to manage and overcome, and they can have social, cognitive, and emotional consequences that last a long time. Veterans may not be able to achieve their full potential in their personal and professional lives and their ability can be hindered.
Veteran Families Deserve Resources, Too
The emotional impact of war is not confined to military families. Veterans often turn to family members and friends for support when they are transitioning from military service. This pressure can have a negative impact on a loved one's well-being.
Veterans and their loved ones must have access to mental health resources to help them cope with the psychological effects of military service. There aren't enough mental health professionals to meet the demand. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, 163,000,000 Americans live in areas where there is a shortage of mental health providers.
Some veteran service organizations fill the gap by providing mental health resources and support to family members. Wounded Warrior project, for instance, offers family members and caregivers support through programs such as PTalk where they can take part in weekly calls focusing on setting goals and improving coping skills.
Partnering with caregivers and their families is another way of supporting them. One example is the Hidden Helpers Coalition backed by the White House's Joining Forces program, which aims to meet the needs of the children who are caregivers for injured vets. The coalition includes over 70 organizations including corporations and nonprofits. This kind of effort helps military families gain skills, find tools, and get support for their mental health.
Find out how you can support the mental health of veterans
It is not necessary to be part of a veterans' service organization in order to help your neighbors, friends, or employees with military connections. Understanding veterans' issues will increase your sensitivity, and you can advocate for veterans with mental health problems.
In order to provide veterans with the care they need, policymakers must drive funding and advocacy initiatives. The Department of Veterans Affairs announced in January that veterans who are struggling with suicidal thoughts can receive free crisis care, supported by federal legislation.
Businesses can also create a culture that supports military families in their community and company. Johnson & Johnson’s Veterans Leadership Council develops programs and projects to help veterans reach their full potential while addressing military-connected communities' unique health and well-being needs. CSX, a national leader in transportation, does not only focus on hiring veterans but also connects community members and employees with veterans in order to raise funds and awareness.
Public education can also help break down stereotypes, misconceptions, and stigmas surrounding veteran mental health. It can foster open and informative conversations which normalize the need for mental health care. Ad Council and VA worked together on a Veterans Day 2021 campaign called “Don't wait, reach out” in order to de-stigmatize asking for help. Wounded Warrior Project runs social media campaigns with CombatStigma in order to increase awareness and remove barriers surrounding asking for help. By participating in these conversations, you send a powerful message and help resources reach those who need them.