The 10 Best Tips for Making Oral Sex Fun
Oral sex can be a very satisfying and enjoyable way to have fun with your partner. You will also benefit from having some oral sex tips. Penetrative sex can be more intimate than oral sex. This is because you have to touch the most intimate parts of someone's body. You don't often get your face in someone else's lap.
This sex act can be made more enjoyable by something other than body placement. Except when you are participating in oral sex like in a sex position (69 ), it is common for only one person to be off at a given time.
1. Consent is the most important thing.

Before you start to do anything, remember the golden rule: You must have consent before you can have sex. Yes, even oral sex. Some people don't want to receive or give oral sex. That's perfectly fine. Respect your partner's wishes more than anything. Don't push your partner down or beg. Accept the answer if it is not and then move on.
2. Talk to someone before.
When your clothes are still on, it's the best time to have an open discussion about sexuality, oral and penetrative. This will allow you to have a conversation that isn’t coercive or wrapped in pressure. Discuss what you like and dislike, your fantasies, and any other topics that interest you. This will ensure that everyone is aware of the rules when things get heated between you guys.
3. Encouragement is vital.
She tells Woman's Day that these negative attitudes are common and she advises to make sure your partner is aware of how much oral sex you're willing to pay. Be open about how hot and delicious they taste.
4. Be in the right mindset
Oral sex should not be treated as a chore. "It is important to change the way you think about oral sex. Instead of thinking, 'I must give oral sex sex', try to think, 'I receive to do oral sex.'" Goody H is a sexologist and educator who also serves as an intimacy consultant for Woman's Day.
5. Do not be ashamed of your inexperience

It is perfectly okay to not know what you like, or how to have oral sex. Exploratory experiences can be the best. Talk to your partner about your experience so everyone can understand. Don't feel pressured to jump in at the deep end.
6. Take it slow and use all five senses.
If you are new to oral sex, take your time and get comfortable. You might find it difficult to respond to intense stimuli, so be gentle and playful. Howard believes that all forms of sex should be approached sensually. Sensuality means that you can experience sex through all five senses.
7. Pay attention to non-verbal cues.
Sometimes it's difficult for someone receiving oral sex to openly discuss their feelings in the heat of the moment. Engle states, "If they push into your face and moan you can be sure that what you are doing is working." Try something else if they pull away or are dead silent. If you are unable to figure out what they feel, don't be afraid to ask! Engle said, "Communication can be lubrication."
8. Also, use your hands.
Your penis partner should have a shaft. You can do this by squeezing your lips on their heads. This creates a longer stimulation surface, which can be very tempting for some. Don't be afraid of rubbing your partner's clit with your thumb, especially if they have a vulva and a cit.
9. Moisture is your friend.
Use a lot of it, regardless of whether it's spit or oil. Sandpaper friction in oral sex is a surefire way to ruin your mood. Howard suggests the use of flavor lube but advises that people "stay out of the kitchen" with oral sex. She says, "It's fun, people think they are getting creative, but oral sex transitions into insertive sex and you're going challenge every pH in every genital."
10. If in doubt, use a consistent rhythm.
Engle states that there are three main factors to remember when performing oral sex. They are rhythm, style, and movement. Engle recommends that you establish a rhythm and a motion when giving. Although it can seem overwhelming at times, Engle says that this will help you to give more. You might feel more confident if you have a good rhythm.