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How Your Faith, Religion, And Sexuality Affect Your Life

Some people are starting to accept the idea. There are now faith-based sex therapy professionals, as well as a variety of religious sex education books.

"To express yourself sexually is a rich thing... There's a reason why it exists. It's a way to express love.

Pope Francis said in The Pope's Answers that "sex is one of God's beautiful gifts to human beings." Pope Francis even acknowledged that the Catholic Church still has a lot to learn when it comes to embracing sexuality. He said that "catechesis about sex" is in its infantile stages.

What Faith Has to Do with sex therapy

It is time for a paradigm shift in the way we view religion and sexuality. Today, sex therapy is so widely accepted, you can easily find a sex counselor who shares your religious beliefs.

It is encouraging for a number of reasons. This is encouraging for many reasons.

As a sex counselor, one of my biggest challenges is helping clients overcome their sexual guilt. Many people from religious backgrounds, no matter their religion, have felt ashamed about their sexual desires and needs. Women, in particular, struggle with shame because they are taught that "good" girls don't enjoy sex. They are only supposed to submit to their spouses out of marital duty. Men are not exempt from this early programming.

In the context of religious beliefs, it's important to discuss sex.

Slowly, but surely, we are making progress toward change.

A healthy discussion about sexuality within religious organizations will not only improve the lives of both men and women in terms of sex. This will encourage conversations about sexual protection and consent. It has been proven that comprehensive sex instruction (as opposed only to abstinence sex) reduces teen pregnancy. Bringing this education to churches and religious events empowers young people to make more informed choices.

This can also reduce bullying, self-harm, and suicide. When religious groups accept their members, regardless of sexual orientation or gender, the world is a happier and brighter place.

Sex and spirituality do not have to be mutually exclusive, nor is sex dirty or shameful. Your sexuality and body are sacred, regardless of whether you practice religion.


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