Experts reveal the one change to your sex life that could save your relationship
There are many elements that contribute to strong and satisfying relationships that contribute to a happy and healthy relationship: trust, communication compassion, and yes, even sex. It's not always an ability to swing from the chandeliers three times per night that makes a couple closer. A recent study has shown that it's the sexual responsiveness that has a major impact on satisfaction and quality of relationship.
Sexual responsiveness: What does it mean? The study, which was published in Current Opinion in Psychology described it as "understanding that one is tolerant, accomodating, and a willingness or desire to satisfy the sexual desires of a partner."
Who wouldn't love a relationship like this?
Understanding your partner's needs and responding to their emotions is the most important factor in happiness in your relationship, say experts.
The researchers of the study discovered that when two individuals are supportive of one another and sensitive to each other's wishes and desires in the intimacy - what they refer to as "high sexual social strength" It's linked to greater sexual desire as well as satisfaction and, more importantly, greater satisfaction in the relationship as a whole.
The reason sex is so powerful
Couples psychologist and sexualologist Isiah McKimmie believes that sex is a couples a unique method to bond in their relationship.
"For many, sex is a key method of feeling connected and loved," she says. "It is a sign of intimacy that couples do not have with each other.
"Couple relationships are forged when partners react to each other's "bids for connection". Sexual initiation and touch are methods by which one of the partners is able to make a bid to connect."
The idea of sexual sensitivity that leads to greater intimacy and satisfaction sounds appealing however, what does that actually look like in a concrete sense?
McKimmie says it's about being ready to be responsive to your partner's sexual wants and wants.
"It could be as simple as being involved when your spouse begins sexual activity, making an effort to make sexual intimacy the main focus, or accepting your partner's sexual desires," she says.
Different is better
The more distinct the interests and needs of your partner are from yours, the stronger the advantages in accordance with the research.
For those who are dealing with sexual problems or previous traumas, this study revealed that satisfaction is greater when a partner responds while taking these particular situations into consideration.
This is due to the fact that it involves additional risk and more assurances of security, says McKimmie.
"I believe that [the greater happiness rate] could be due to those who have suffered from past trauma usually need to feel secure and feel that their partner is responsive in order to feel safe to sexually" She says. "Sexual empathy and understanding can work in both directions."
Like all other aspects of relationships, knowing your partner's preferences and being receptive is crucial.
If either of the partners believes they must sacrifice their own needs in order to support the needs of the other The study discovered that's when the benefits are lost.
The study authors write, "Being a sexually responsive partner does not mean addressing the sexual desires of your partner in a clear and unambiguous manner however, it is about trying to be aware and willing to accept a partner's sexual desires while insisting on your own personal needs and limits."
The authors also found that when being sexually responsive means not taking care of your own desires and desires, such as engaging in sexual activity even when you don't wish to, it's linked with less satisfaction and desire which can cause sexual discomfort.